World Stories

An online resource that not only helps the one in seven UK children who speaks a language other than English as their first language, but also supports children with SEN requirements

World Stories is an online resource that helps children improve their literacy and keep up in the classroom. With 174 stories in written and audio format, World Stories opens the world to children.

Throughout history, before pens, computers, books and libraries, people have told each other stories. At KidsOut we understand that stories are important and can help us understand each other, learn about other cultures, and help us celebrate our own. But most of all they are fun!

World Stories is a growing collection of 174 traditional and original stories from around the world representing the 34 most commonly spoken languages by children in the UK. Currently one in seven UK children speaks a language other than English as their first language, often struggling to learn in an unfamiliar language and environment.

We place accessibility and inclusion at the centre of World Stories, and we take care to consider the contexts in which our product is being used. We take the view that children need in-platform control of things features like colour schemes, font size and typeface so that they can access material independently and at the same time as their classmates.

When a child has logged in, there are a range of accessibility features within World Stories, but individuals are not singled out when they use them as these adjustments are presented as ‘options’. They are then seen as something everyone in the class can use, not a special adjustment a child’s peers may otherwise make fun of.

Thanks to the wonderful support of writers, storytellers, translators, broadcasters and actors, these stories can be read, listened to and downloaded in English and their original language. We are continually working to add new stories, recordings and translations.

How can you help?

Buying a disadvantaged child a book in their own language can help them improve their literacy and keep up in the classroom.